Solar - the Penny Saver! How?

As we become increasingly aware of higher energy prices and the need to reduce our commercial as well as domestic outgoings you might want to consider switching to using solar power as a clean, green way of powering your space.
If you aren’t sure or need some ideas to help you on your way here are four good reasons to switch to this type of energy. You might well be surprised by some of them.

You will reap economically

Electricity is expensive and solar energy systems give the typical home & business owners an easy way to save. The commercial/corporate customers enjoy the accelerated depreciation benefit after installing the solar power plant. The payback period is generally of 3-4 years post which you will generate & consume the electricity for FREE!

Your own Powerhouse

By installing the Solar PV on your rooftop, you’re developing your own power generation hub. Yeah that’s true! The excess or unused electricity is exported to the grid which in turn provides you the monetary benefits based on the units of electricity exported.
So, why keep your roof idle? Instead utilize the roof space smartly by investing in solar & let your roof earn for you!

Risk Free Investment

Investing your valuable money in solar is always the best & secure option as compared to the loads of investment policies. We aren't kidding. Once you invest in solar just sit back and relax as it is one of the risk free investments with the guaranteed returns of 20 to 30% per annum for at least 20 years.p>

Eco Friendly

Solar power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There’s nothing about solar power that pollutes mother nature. Solar power doesn’t release any greenhouse gasses, and except for needing a source of clean water to function, it uses absolutely no other resources. Did you know? Installing one Kilowatt Solar PV System is equivalent to planting 49 trees! (Source MNRE).

It doesn’t matter whether you stay in the tropics or polar, be smart by investing in solar & get set to reap the returns within less space & time!


By Team Indus Powers

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